
From the Executive Office

5 February 2014
Now back from his six-month sabbatical, AAS Executive Officer Kevin Marvel looks back on his time away and looks forward to the busy time ahead.

What's a AAAC?

31 January 2014
In response to a question that passed through my Twitter feed the other day and because they are holding a meeting 3-4 February 2014, I thought I would put together an answer to the question, "What is the AAAC?," which...

Letters of Intent Invited for NOAO Survey Programs

29 Jan 2014
The National Optical Astronomy Observatory invites proposals for the 2014B and 2015A semesters for use of the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) at the Blanco 4-meter telescope. Deadline: Friday, 14 February 2014.

Astrophysics Code Sharing II: The Sequel

27 Jan 2014
At the 223rd AAS meeting, the Working Group on Astronomical Software and the Astrophysics Source Code Library sponsored a special session on code sharing as a follow-up to a meeting held a year earlier. Here's a brief...

2013 AAS Biennial Demographics Survey Released

27 January 2014
This new survey establishes a baseline for tracking changes in the composition, backgrounds, and job histories of AAS members, in what types of work they do, and in the perceived hurdles to working in astronomy and...

Arecibo Call for Proposals, Fall 2014 Semester

27 Jan 2014
The 305-meter William E. Gordon Arecibo radio telescope is the largest single-dish radio telescope on our planet. Proposals to use it for observations between 1 July and 31 December 2014 are due by 3 March.

AAS Seeks Volunteers for Congressional Visits Day

24 January 2014
This year CVD actually lasts two days: 25-26 March. The AAS aims to select 10 to 12 volunteers to come to Washington, DC to raise visibility and support for science. Sign-up deadline: 11 February.

Reminder: REU Deadlines Are Approaching!

20 January 2014
The National Science Foundation's Research Experiences for Undergraduates program supports summer research at institutions throughout the U.S. Applications are due in late January and early February.